Microseason: Thunder’s Voice Quiets




22 - 27 September

We have entered the subseason Autumn Equinox, which means we are now situated precisely at the peak of Autumn. In Japan, Autumn is associated to sports, reading, gastronomy, and the arts. And the distinctive urokogumo or scale clouds, the type of altocumulus that resemble fish scales. They are often seen over baseball stadiums, where the sky above offers a wide uninterrupted view, and timed perfectly during that romantic hour when day and night intermingle.

When we no longer need to brace for the Summer heat, and the dramatics of thunder and lightening subsides, we begin to allow for the white space necessary to bathe in culture, and soften our hearts to notice its subtleties. The dragonflies in the air, the cooler breeze, and the urokogumo.

The national sport is said to be baseball. In fact, the top five most popular “watched sports” ranking domestically in Japan is 1. professional baseball, 3. high school baseball, 5. other types baseball. (2. and 3. are soccer)

However, outside of Japan, perhaps many will associate spots in Japan to sumo. And today is senshuuraku, marking the end of the fifth sumo season out of the six each year. Sumo is a martial art that is part of the indigenous animistic culture of Japan. Integrated as performance into spiritual ceremonies to determine the will of the gods. The ring on which the athletes perform, the structures, instruments, and ornamentation of the stadium, and gestures of the athletes and official, are all in respect to the gods who make up the natural world.

Senshuuraku is essentially three words. One is “a thousand” which means many. Another is “enjoyment” which suggests that the intention is for the pleasure of the gods. And while senshuuraku is used to punctuate each of the seasons of sumo and the arts throughout the year, the final word is “Autumn” to indicate abundance and bearing of fruit.

Photo credit: Momoko Nakamura


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Microseason: Swallows Depart