Microseason: Swallows Depart
17 - 21 September
During this microseason, Swallows depart Japan and begin heading South. Sometimes they travel as much as 300km per day. Their destination is usually Australia or South East Asia. So if you reside in these areas of the world, then the name of your microseason a few weeks from now may be “Swallows Return”.
During the warmer months, Swallows create nests as close to human activity as possible. Popular spots include the concrete wall of parking garages, in the entrance eave of homes and businesses, the roofs of retro shopping arcades, and amongst structural beams of temples and shrines. Human activity means the risk of harm from predators like crows and snakes is at a minimum. This intentional decision by Swallows reminds us that we are not an observer of the natural world, but we are in fact, simply just one part of it.
As humans, we try our best to allow the Swallows nesting and nurturing to go unbothered. The best versions of us will walk around their life as much as possible. Some of us afixing DIY shelving underneath the Swallow’s nest to catch droppings. Rather than thinking of this as a nuisance, the sentiment is that we are honored to bear witness to life and parental nurture. The Swallows nest-making each Spring is used as an educational moment for children.
And when their nest has completed its duty, it is left to return to the earth. The Swallow’s empty home becomes a relic of Summer. It’s a symbol of ever-moving time, and that in several months the Swallows will return to Japan once again to birth a new generation, which means once again our opportunity to be a supportive player.
Photo credit: Momoko Nakamura